Kindergartener’s Favorite Fishing Spot

Photograph of lake and trees with sunset clouds reflecting in the water
One Morning last week we were all getting ready for the day at hand, work for me and my wife, new 4-month old baby doing what babies do, and my 5-year-old …. well the 5-year-old, the new kindergartener of 4 days, was not really feeling it.
 Time was getting tight and we needed to hurry up, so I made the decision that we were going to do something different this morning to see if we could get things headed in the right direction. I told my son, “Come on let’s get going this morning and we’ll check out your favorite little fishing hole before school.” Wasn’t sure that would work, but as parents, we all know that you have to stay creative.
 His reaction was just what I was hoping for… smiles, excitement and I could hardly keep up with him getting dressed and running to the truck. So we went to the fishing hole, with just enough time to check everything out and enjoy a nice peaceful morning, and set the tone for the day. He had his best day of the 5 days of kindergarten and got his green mark in class. My wife said, “You are bringing him there every day.”
We will be planning a morning very soon to get up early and go fishing before school, I’m not sure there’s a better way to start the day. 
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